Thursday 5 January 2012

Christmas 2011/New Year2012

We would like to thank the members who organised the Christmas lunch and quizzes at the Willow House on 15th December. It was the best yet in my opinion but then I probably think that every year

Good luck, good health and good stitching in 2012.

The first part of the meeting on 10th January will be the AGM and collection of subscriptions. Hopefully this will not take the whole evening so stitching and chatting will continue as normal. Don't forget if you haven't paid you cannot attend workshops nor will your contact details be on the updated list which hopefully will be circulated by the beginning of February.

On the 24th January Suzie W will be demonstrating a fabric purse. If you miss the meeting on the 10th check this Blog for the requirements list. On the same theme the tea/coffee rota and details of workshops and other events will be displayed on the calendar at the bottom of this Blog. Do check it from time to time as situations change and I endeavour to update it frequently.

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