Wednesday 23 October 2013

Christmas arrangements 2013

Yes it really is that time again, or it will be sooner than we think. At the meeting on 22nd October it was agreed that members should not feel obliged to spend all their Christmas goodwill in sending cards to the entire membership but might choose to donate to a charity of their choosing. (Obviously we may decide to send cards to our close friends within the group).
For the last meeting of 2013 on the 10th December it was agreed to have our usual Secret Santa with a small present of £5-00 or less on a sewing theme. Those not wishing to participate do not have to, putting it simply, if you don't give then don't take. We will have our normal cuppa on this occasion and try to arrange a meal sometime other than Christmas when many are rushed off their feet with the social whirl not to mention all the occasions involving food and drink.
There will be no meeting on 24th December when we will be at home preparing for Santa or collapsing from exhaustion..

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