Monday 6 January 2014

AGM 14th Jan 2014

Hackers, Tackers & Stuffers Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 14th January 2014 at 7.15pm
Watton Christian Community Centre

1.     Apologies for Absence

1.1        To be forwarded to the Chair in advance of the meeting.

2.     Announcements
2.1        Membership fees to remain the same.
3.     Data Protection Act
3.1           Members who do not wish their names or initials to be published on the internet should inform the Secretary following the close of meeting.
4.     Minutes of the Last Meeting
4.1        To approve the minutes of the meeting
5.     Agenda Items
5.1           Members to be more communicative /proactive with wishes for workshops,    trips etc. within the group.
6.     Officer Reports
6.1           To receive a report from the President
6.2           To receive a report from the Treasurer
6.3           To receive a report from any other committee members

7.     Ratification of the Constitution and any changes
8.     Election of Officers
8.1           President
8.2           Treasurer
8.3           Other committee members
9.     Any Other Business
9.1                  To be handed to the Chair in advance of the meeting
Chair Jane Lond Caulk                                                       Secretary Jan Helm
President Jane Lond Calk                                             Treasurer Brenda Hales

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